Re: where's this

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Posted by Kendall Raine on December 06, 2001 at 08:49:24:

In Reply to: where's this posted by seahunt on December 05, 2001 at 21:39:26:

Gosh, Mike;

I guess I did misunderstand you. It must have been that old "rush to judgement" thing. When I read "The California hunters are extremely experienced and it is some of the most demanding diving in the world... If you don't think California diving is extremely demanding, pray tell me a few places that are as tough that get many divers" I thought you were saying that California diving was some of the most demanding diving in the world. Guess I missed some subtle nuance. Sorry. I also thought, erroneously, it seems, you were suggesting there were few places as tough and were asking for evidence to the contrary. Thanks for straightening me out. You'll note I left the implications on equipment adequacy question alone except to say I don't care how you dive.

I do have one question, though. You draw a distinction between hunters and sport divers. What do you mean? I consider myself a sport diver since I don't dive for the military, for science or for money. I also hunt, dive in caves, wrecks, under ice and deep. I do that in many of the places I listed, for sport.
You seem to think the distinction an important one since the hunter motif runs through all your posts in this thread. It struck me in context as chest pounding. What am I missing?

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