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Posted by Tribes on December 06, 2001 at 12:57:28:

In Reply to: "Diving is a team sport..." not the way many of us do it. posted by Wayne on December 06, 2001 at 12:00:38:

Diving can be a dangerous sport. We are going into a hazardous environment using life support equipment. The question is, why make it more dangerous then it already is (by leaving home your redundant system)?
You can do anything as a team that you can do as an individual. The techie guys know that team work, gets the mission done, are sport divers so different?
I think that many of us who have been diving for a long time, think that our experience and our watermanship will let us get alway with using short cuts. Last years accidents should be a wake-up call to all of us.
Dive solo if you must, but know that you are increasing the risk factor of not coming back(is it really worth it)?.


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