Re: Solo Photo Diving

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by dawhale on December 07, 2001 at 04:58:27:

In Reply to: I'm using a motormarine IIex & ektachrome posted by msblucow on December 06, 2001 at 18:39:02:

Hi msblucow . I have been fallowing an underwater photo forum for more than 5 years now . I noted your post to this forum a week ago when you were notified of your win in a photo contest . Congradulations again . I shoot underwater video and use this other forum as a resource . With all due respect if you do a search of the archives for the " underwater photo forum " on this subject of solo diving you will find a vary large number of photo divers do it solo , me included . It is not a macho thing but for reasons already noted above . Your choice to dive with a buddy during this activity is not nessarly the norm among the worlds best . I am not telling you your wrong in the way you enjoy your diving just do not find your depiction of underwater photo completly accurate . Once again lines are drawn and sides taken . Can well let this and the back pack , DIR BS fade into the night ? I would much rather hear about where you are diving and what you all saw . Keep blowing bubbles , Dale Lopez , Valencia , aka dawhale

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