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Posted by mike on December 14, 2001 at 21:34:00:

In Reply to: I have enjoyed reading this thread posted by Wayne on December 14, 2001 at 09:34:38:

i had always thought that subclinical DCS would manifest itself as fatigue and lethargy on the evening or following day. I definitely noticed a difference between 3 hours of freediving off of PV and just 2 hours at 40-90 fsw during a day at say, Farnsworth Bank. Prior to the getting a Nitrox cert, i would be dog-tired the evening of and the day following a weekend boat trip yet i could routinely spend 3 hours straight in the water freediving, and still get things done later in the day and easily get up the next morning and have a decent day at work. After switching to 'trox, i can come home after a 3 to 4 dive trip and still clean house or wash off my gear and then go out for dessert. That is my personal experience with what may or may not be subclinical DCS. Also, if i have to ascend rapidly after time at depth, i tend to get that lethargy again, even with nitrox.

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