Real reason for GUE/DIR failure rates.....

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Posted by GLnSD on December 17, 2001 at 09:30:27:

Thought I would re-post this at the top so more people had a chance to see the light.........

You see the real reason for the GUE/DIR failure rate is two fold. First and formost is that GUE is not truly IMO a certification agency, it is a marketing SCAM. Second, while I don't have personal experience and from what I have seen of GUE instructors don't want to have personal experience, from my own observations, you are right IMO, the instructors are pretty bad.

Lastly here is what is really happening, again from personal opservation and again IMO.

GUE "instructors" can only charge a small amount for their classes. This is done as a lost leader in an attempte to gain market share, which by the way is exactly what GUE is opposed to, can you say hypocricy.

This small amount that the "instructors" are allowed to charge combined with the cost of the calss which must be covered by the instructor leaves them with a few choices.

One, hope for a full class, which is not likely given the very small portion of the diving population that is interested in DIR at all and the fact that the marketing scam is failing. Other wise eat the lose.

Two, fail a high percentage of the students taking the class then charge them for the "extra" class room, pool, and dives thus making a profit.

It comes down to simple economics.

Can you see the light......

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