Good point.

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Posted by Wayne on December 17, 2001 at 21:50:05:

In Reply to: Re: Must not have been listening too hard. posted by John Walker on December 17, 2001 at 17:29:14:

I noticed that even GLnSD is a self proclaimed taker of classes. I find that one especially interesting. In fact, I wondered if it was true and if he had a bad experience and that is why is is so anxious to bash DIR. The trouble is that with all he has claimed (like the concord trip) it would be difficult to know when he tells the truth. The lack of identify on his part makes it hard for anyone to verify his claims, too.

I think there a bunch of stubborn old farts like me who refuse to adopt much of the DIR principles, but it is rare to find any real diver who does not acknowledge the utility of the methods. To attempt to defame DIR and claim it has no benefit, as GLnSD does, is very odd. It would be interesting to know who he is and what, if any, dive experience and trainign he really has. Maybe he just likes to see his name on the BBS for the fame of it all.


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