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Posted by Wayne on January 03, 2002 at 15:17:06:

In Reply to: Re: The problem with technology posted by Chuck Tribolet on January 03, 2002 at 05:25:40:

It is funny how we all hang on to the old stuff after it is obsolete. Like tires nowadays almost never go flat, but the cars comes with a spare. Hmmm. Maybe we do need backup. I do not fear a computer failure except that once I shift back to tables, the dives will get shorter.

When I dove in the pre-computer and pre-bend-o-matic days, most divers I met could not do their tables. What saved them was the lack of multiple dives. We only had to know the NDL back then. Air fills were not as easy and we mostly did 1 or maybe 2 72s in a day.


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