Re: KIds and Scuba totally disagree?

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Posted by DWin on January 05, 2002 at 10:35:00:

In Reply to: KIds and Scuba posted by Jim Hoffmann on January 03, 2002 at 10:40:12:

I personally think its a good idea having kids experiance scuba. And for your info 8 & 9 year old can not get a open water c-card for that age they call it scuba rangers and are only aloud in the pool while on scuba. I my self have a daughter that is 13 and has been cert. for 2 years
and has 132 dives under her belt and she is as good of diver as the rest and a excellent dive buddy.I also have a son that was cert. 10 as he is yonger and smaller he dous need help but thats up to the parents participation in the kids activity. It is very difficult for a smaller kid to do beach dives i wood not recammed it unless you have extra support say a no diver . I do love speding time on boat with the kids though.
thats my thoughts thou.
Dive Safe

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