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Posted by mike on January 14, 2002 at 22:24:51:

In Reply to: Drive to Baja - Anyone done it? posted by Ed L. on January 14, 2002 at 19:13:44:

Loreto is about three solid days by road. Some might try and do it in two but that's their problem. Take the toll road to Ensenada, and the transpeninsular will get you to Loreto from there. Traffic bogs down at San Quintin and Santa Rosalia but is pretty wide open the rest of the way. We typically try and bed down near Catavinia the first night, but since i drive like an old man, often times we're lucky to get to Playa El Socorro, just before El Rosario. There's an RV park north of the hotel also. The farthest we ever made it the first day was LA to Guerrero Negro...Hotel las Ballenas to be precise, and it's no fun pulling in at 10:00 PM after driving solid since 3:30 AM.
Beware of the drug and weapons checkpoints, as some folks have had to pony up a few bribes to keep going, such as tuna fillets, cookies etc. That CF'ery is courtesy of our war on drugs.
Always and i mean ALWAYS carry about 300 miles worth of gas with you. The gas is barged to Santa Rosalia and then trucked to places like Mulege or Catavinia. Rough seas in the Gulf make for long lines at empty PEMEX stations. We've been stranded for 2-4 days in winters past.
Air fills can be had on the way to LaBufadora, Bahia De Los Angeles and Mulege on the way if you're looking to do some exploring on the way down. Caveat never knows how good the air is.
Also, Capt Ray has a story you should hear before proceeding.

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