Re: Drive to Baja - Anyone done it?

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Posted by Bob on January 19, 2002 at 15:29:59:

In Reply to: Drive to Baja - Anyone done it? posted by Ed L. on January 14, 2002 at 19:13:44:

I've read all the comments and they are basically pretty good..However, I have been driving and flying the Baha for 11 years, usually every christmas..first night in Grerro Negro the a stop for lunch at "Rice & Beans" resturant and RV in San Ignacio..I have made it all the way to San Igancio in one day but it's 12 long hours. But Ricardo at Rice & Beans is worth the drive.He will make you a fantastic meal anytime..I have never had broblems with gas, however, I do keep topped up,,Last June I drove my 27' class A towing a 19'Mako to Los Barrillies on the east cape..No problems whatsoever..I did get a ticket in La Pas for going through a red light..No big deal..just paid the $40. Fine "bribe?" to the Policia and was on my way..If you want more email me.. Just to show you how friendly Mexico really is, I drove my Class A all theway daown west coast to border of Guatamala then across the Yucatan to Belize and Canun..then up to Vera Cruz, Poebla, Mexico City and back to San Diego..No Caravan just 2 I still don't speak Spanish and I'm very embarressed about it, but every Mexican understands a smile


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