Re: Lobster controversy in Concord, NH.

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Posted by seahunt on January 29, 2002 at 09:21:31:

In Reply to: Lobster controversy in Concord, NH. posted by Brad on January 29, 2002 at 04:31:21:

I've heard stupider things, but I can't remember when.
I wonder what the pols would say if someone pointed out that most
divers pay more in taxes on their diving hobby, for each lobster
they take, than it costs for the commercial fishers to take each
This is a good, but typical example of the entitlement that commercial
fishers tend to believe is just their right.
I can't see any rational basis to their arguement, but I do see that
they take the moral high ground and make very thinly vieled threats.
I'd love to hear one of them explain how they own the lobsters and
the sport divers don't.
I believe that one day, unregulated commercial fishers will be widely
reviled as an enviornmental plague.
There has to be dock limits that apply to everyone. Our economic
models and our traditions are completely irrelevant to the fish.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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