Re: Wreck Tie-In

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on February 03, 2002 at 14:44:14:

In Reply to: Wreck Tie-In posted by Tyler on February 03, 2002 at 13:54:07:

If there is little or no current it isn't a problem to anchor on a wreck. Don't be in a hurry. Make sure that the wreck is on your screen and have a buddy drop the hook while you maintain your position. As you ascend, look in all directions for the ever present Blacksmith fish that hover over most wrecks here. If you don't find the wreck, tie off a reel to the anchor and start a search pattern by swimming up current. I used to have trouble finding wrecks in a current until I replaced my chain with forty feet of heaviee chain. Now the anchor drops so fast that the boat doesn't have time to move very far away. Of course, the deeper the wreck, the more chance you have of missing it. There are some wrecks that I dive enough that I can recognize the bottom terrain and find it without using a compass.

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