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Posted by Eric Frasco on February 28, 2002 at 13:21:35:

In Reply to: DFG sees no problem with the sheephead population posted by Chris on February 27, 2002 at 20:08:19:

DFG does see a problem with the Sheephead population, enough concern that it is one of the 19 species identified in the Nearshore Fishery Management Plan. If there is no problem perceived, then why attempt to manage it?

More information is available at:

As the above information states, there is not enough historical information about sheephead so DFG has to guess as to what the maximum sustainable harvest should be. At any rate, sheephead landings will be reduced if the Nearshore Management Plan gets accepted as proposed.

This is not to say that MPAs are not necessary. The plan recognizes MPAs as part of a broader plan to manage fish populations. This makes it all the more important that the MLPA is implemented properly.


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