Dive Report Santa Barbara/Catalina

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Sea Urchin on March 11, 2002 at 11:34:14:

Great diving this weekend off Santa Barbara and Catalina on the Iron Eagle! That boat has really started getting together and providing great weekends to everyone.
Started at Santa Barbara at Arch Pt playing with the sea lions in beautiful sunny weather. There was a steady group of about 14 of them playing off the back of the boat and did not mind me snapping pictures in the middle of the ball. Moved over to Three Sisters next and enjoyed watching one of the sea lions over there trying to bite the head of my dive buddy. Apparently it was attracted to the yellow patch on the top of her hood.
On Sunday we moved to Catalina for Ship Rock and Italian Gardens. No one on the boat saw any sea bass but we did find a small octopus to watch and with such beautiful scenery who minds if you dont get to see everything. Ship Rock was also nice, watched a large bull sea lion playing down around 100'- water was clear and the amount of life there was amazing. I think this is why I live in So. California!
Looking forward to my next weekend trip on the Iron Eagle!
-Sea Urchin

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