Re: Anybody got info on new suits?

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Posted by ed rodgers on March 11, 2002 at 16:00:35:

In Reply to: Anybody got info on new suits? posted by Eric S on March 07, 2002 at 20:56:33:

My name is Ed Rodgers and i am the owner of Aquaflite. I would like to straighten out some info you received from "Madiver".

Those companies who use Rubatex material will say so on their websites. Henderson does not use Rubatex, nor does Liquid Fit. Liquid Fit uses the same material i do. I have had one of their suits in my hands and after this many years in the business can identify who made the rubber. Henderson promotes how stretchy their suits are because they know how concerned people are about comfort and fit. Rubatex material will not provide that degree of stretch, and therefore , to most divers, is not as comfortable as Henderson, Aquaflite, Liquid Fit and a whole host of others who don't use Rubatex.

As to the longevity and compression rate of my suits; I have suited up many instructors and subsequently their families. Some have reported up to 400 dives on their suit. I do not claim that the suit will go 400. This is simply what is reported back to me.

As to Madiver's comments; It is possible that his suit was constructed from a bad sheet of material. All rubber companies have experienced this problem at one time or another. It is also possible that Madiver has confused Aquaflite with some other company, as he doesn't seem to have a good handle on the various companies and the rubber they are using.

I suggest you float your question a little longer
before making any decisions, and possibly speak with some instructors with many years "under". No matter who's suit you choose, i believe you will
benefit from gathering more data.

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