Re: Great Escape Sinks (On Babewatch)

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Captain Tim on April 01, 2002 at 22:01:10:

In Reply to: Great Escape Sinks (On Babewatch) posted by Jason on April 01, 2002 at 02:05:23:

Ah, those were the days. Red swim suits and only good qualifed life guards.
(If you don't believe it, just ask David Hasilhof) That was one of the most
difficult jobs we ever did with them. They could not make it look even close
to a real capsizing. We did everything, then back to the dock and they dumped
about 4000 gal of water on us. We were not sure if that would break the deck
or not. Not once but 3 times. We stopped them after that.
We did many Babewatch episodes until they tried to salvalge and go the Hawaii.
Last one close was "Avalon" with Parker Stevens and you all know how that went.

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