An age old problem that hurts diving., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by san diego jeff on April 15, 2002 at 17:18:19:

In Reply to: Divers putting away ego. Not likely.(+) posted by Lisa on April 15, 2002 at 14:17:06:

I was called an unsafe diver for wearing a bouyancy compensator when divers were told " a bc will kill you by shooting you to the surface".
I remember being criticized for wearing a back mounted BC when everyone else wore horse collars.
I was called a traitor for changing my affiliation when I became a dive instructor.
I was called a wimp diver when I wore a drysuit before it became chic.
When I began to test dive computers, I was told that to rely on an electronic computer for controlling dive and surface interval was stupid and I was stupid for trying.
Most "dive gods" fear change and progress. Most of these people passing judgement are the same ones diving in old out of date gear. They smoke, are in bad shape and have never taken any continuing education as a diver.
I no longer teach for shops. I no longer work as a dive master on trips. I will on occasion act as staff member for instructor courses. I refuse to a part of this industry problem.
Over 20 years in the dive community and the same problems exist. The industry is in a regression as people have tired of the crap handed out by the diving leadership.
Look around and you will see lots of kayaks out on the water. They seem to be a growing population will diving shrinks. Think there could be any relationship? Think dive shops would capitalize on this? Wow what a concept, buy a kayak and get 1/2 off certification. Or, get certified and get $100.00 off of a kayak.
Oops what am I saying? This all makes too much sense for this industry.

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