Chamber Day Boat Update

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Posted by Chamber Day Committee on April 17, 2002 at 09:49:06:

As of yesterday (4/16), we'd sold 243 spots and still have 160 spots available on our participating boats. If you'd like to get involved ($75 for the boats - on some we are pre-collecting for food & air), it's easy to do. Call us at 310/652-4990, pick your favorite available boat, and do it all over the phone. (All donations are tax-deductible as the Chamber is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization FIC 95-1642394, CGEC ONAF5.)

Here's where we stand, boat-by-boat. (Numbers shown are spaces still available):

Aquatica - 24
Bottom Scratcher -9
Cee Ray - 20
Encore - SOLD OUT
Flying Dutchman - Infinite
Great Escape - SOLD OUT
Horizon - 15
Iron Eagle - 22
Island Time - 13
Magician - WAY SOLD OUT
(But John Corso @ Scuba Haus and Jim Hoffman @ Scuba Toys still will take more - call them for details)
Mr. C - 6
Pacific Star - 15
Psalty V - 6
Sea Bass - 2
Sundiver - 28
Two deep - 4
Westerly - SOLD OUT

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2002

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