Re: PAID IN FULL!! - The other side of the story

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Ken Kurtis on April 18, 2002 at 16:53:54:

In Reply to: Re: pledged, not yet paid? PAID IN FULL!! posted by AADIVER on April 18, 2002 at 14:09:10:

There's a little more to this than what was posted.

Frank, your pledge was made (via a BBS post) on April 10.

We received word from the website (which is accessed only by Karl Huggins) on 4/17 (yesterday) in the afternoon, that you had paid.

The update that still marked you as unpaid was posted yesterday morning, prior to the confirmation of your payment. The "unpaid" desgination will be removed in the next update, which goes out tomorow morning. The Chmaber Day Committe, and myself personally, sincerely ap0ologizxe for any embarassment thi smay have caused you.

But, on a personal level, I'm highly offended by this:

"Typical Reef Seekers maneuver. From now on I donate to the Chamber directly and not through a dive shop that's getting residual business from being the Chamber Day cheerleaders."

I know you're not too fond of me, Frank, and I have no problem with that. But to assail our motives and character about this is simply incorrect and out of line. My partner Bill and our staff bust their butts for this event and I cannot allow this kind of character assasination to go unchallenged. This event actually costs us a lot of money that we will never recoup in staff time, services, etc. And if anyone would like to step up and run the thing next year, Billy and I will be more than happy to step aside.

Instead of complaining on the Internet, how about pitching in and actually serving on the Committee next year? This way, you could actually help us correct and avoid these pitfalls.

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2002

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