Re: feeding the abs?

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Posted by seahunt on April 27, 2002 at 21:44:01:

In Reply to: feeding the abs? posted by Brad on April 27, 2002 at 14:04:06:

Abs can move remarkably fast. J. Cousteau said 5 to 9 meters a minute on sand. I'm still a bit skeptical, but not entirely. At Bodega Bay, in the entrance of Horseshoe Cove, I've seen big reds moving across the sand pretty fast.
As for feeding. From your picture, your buddy is a bit exposed, but next time, bring down a kelp leaf and set it on top so that the current doesn't movi it. I bet that if you look in 5 minutes, your mullosk buddy will be appily munching away.
Enjoy, seahunt

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