Great Escape Relocation

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Posted by Captain Tim on May 05, 2002 at 20:19:15:

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Because of the ongoing abuse, neglect, and discriminatory acts towards diveboats at 22nd Street Landing by the present owners of 22nd Street Landing and, after much thought and consideration to you my customers, I have decided to leave 22nd Street. I will relocate to Long Beach Sport Fishing Landing on May 15th, 2002 or upon my good friend "Friendly Frank" throwing me out of the landing.
I have spent a great deal of time trying to find the right place to relocate to. The parking is very good, with ample lighting. It is only about 30 seconds from the 710 Freeway, with easy return as well. While no one can absolutely guarantee the security, theirs is very good. They have two roving patrols at night so they have very little if any break ins.
I am not sure how much time it will add to trips but I guestimate about 15 to 20 minutes each way, so it will not significantly affect the trips. Chris (webmaster) has a great aerial view of the landing and off ramps from the freeway, and will put a very detailed map and instructions up within two days.
Thank you,

Captain Tim Burke
Owner/operator Great Escape Charters

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