Re: I wonder how it compares to the DIR Fundamentals course.

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Posted by Ricardo on May 11, 2002 at 13:04:10:

In Reply to: I wonder how it compares to the DIR Fundamentals course. posted by Eins on May 09, 2002 at 11:55:54:

I have taken both classes and this is my take on each. The County teaches a much longer class with not much to offer the well experienced proficient diver. The ADP class is a certification. I took it June of 1995. The DIR class was an eye opener. I took it 10 months ago. I learned more there that in the County class. The DIR class was not a certification class and was very-very good especially in the lectures on dive fizzy-ology and effective efficient style in the water. I learned during the DIR class why configuration and proper mindset are more than important it is critical. On their gear topic, I really considered getting rid of my Zeagal Ranger afterward. But I cannot afford to correct my past gear mistakes yet. They were both good classes and neitherr equired you to be configured a certain way. I felt the DIR class was more of a challenge and left me humble about my diving style at that time. A good thing neither class was taught like a PADI or NAUI experience or specialty class though. But DIR made you work for the experience. I felt as if I already had the experience of what was being learned in the County class. I thought the County class was just a kicked up advanced class that stretches trying to mimic the Master certification of PADI and NAUI.

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