Re: SSI certification, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by scubagirl on May 14, 2002 at 17:21:49:

In Reply to: SSI certification posted by Beach Diver on May 14, 2002 at 16:21:23:

I can only say what I know about SSI certification. I hardly know anything about PADI, NAUI, or anyother network so I cant compare. First of all, I'd say about 90% of the PADI divers I have seen have had wet suits or semi-drys. 90% of the SSI divers I know have drysuits. The SSI divers I know have custom made BC's and the drysuit is also made to fit the diver. I dont know about any other agency, but when I went through the SSI cert. the instructors were always very understanding and patient. They made sure I was comfortable with the environment and what we were doing. Im not trying to put down any other agencies or make it seem as though SSI is better but on all the open boat trips we have been on, other divers seem to be amazed by our equipment and knowledge. But also knowledge comes from experience. SSI offers open water, nitrox classes, advanced classes, tech diving, stress and rescue, among many other classes. The open water class takes 6-8 weeks. You are required to take a written test and achieve 5 open water dives. I used to really enjoy class. Our instructor used to order lunch for us and made it really fun. Well, thats all I can say off the top of my head. With SSI and every other agency, you just have to find the right instructor.

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