Divers and finance

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Posted by tecdiver on May 17, 2002 at 17:16:48:

In Reply to: Wet vs Semi Dry posted by Duraque on May 16, 2002 at 08:30:34:

Just a short comment. The shop I frequent, standing around one day a guy comes up to me and shows me one booty he has and says he lost the other. He continues with you think they will sell me one booty so I can go on my vacation with out worrying about it. I said I doubt it but there is a bin of that stuff you might check in it. Well it turns out he could not find one so bought a new pair for $60 the whole time acting like it was killing him to do this. I asked him what he did for a living. He proceeds to tell me he is a doctor. So it is true I have seen new OW students spend thousands and a few months later come around wanting to sell it because they do not want to dive. I have seen OW students go to a DUI just after they get cert. All I can conclude from this behavior is it is a personal choice. So it is true finance differs among divers. The one thing I do notice OW students are told do not get into this sport if you can not afford it. It is true I dont think they will totaly appreciate the subtle differences in exposure suits. When some one says I cannot afford it I do not think you should start telling them about the relation of cold and DCI, that is a sales pitch.

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