Looking for Bugs in All the RIGHT Places (Next Year's Bug Trip)

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Mark on May 20, 2002 at 21:41:36:

Hey, I was just contemplating next year's bug season (yeah, I know it's early,and wondered what some of you could share about diving Catalina, San Nicholas, and Santa Barbara for bugs?

Since I'm an out-of-state bug diver, and a novice to the sport - there's no chance that I'll put a dent in the lobster population, no matter where I end-up diving next season. So, hopefully, most of you will feel comfortable with sharing some of your wisdom and experience, and offer your insight and suggestions (recommendations) for islands to consider, and spots to not miss?

The tentative plan is to hit Catalina (night), San Nicholas (day & night) and Santa Barbara (day) the first week next October. Not sure where to try for the first night dive out at Catalina. Can anyone recommend some really productive spots for a novice bug diver? [e.g. Isthmus Reef, Bird Rock -- West End (Starlight Beach, Johnsons Rocks, Parsons Landing, etc.]. I will only have one night to dive Catalina, so I will need 1-2 best spots to try.

2nd day - San Nicholas (that is, unless it's calm enough to make a dive at Cortes Bank). Will have 1/2 day and all night to dive San Nicholas. Sites under consideration: the Boilers (advanced site?), Three Mile Reef, Alpha Breakers, Alpha Foul Area, Charlie Area Sandspit, and Seven Fathom Reef. IF any of you have dived this island, and can again - recommend some sure bug sites, I would REALLY appreciate it. The final day will be spent either at San Nicholas or Santa Brabara. Sites under consideration there include: Sutil Island, the Archway, Webster Point, and the Southeastern side of the island.

Another item that I would appreciate additional input is, making the grab. I've always been told to aim for the tail, so that when the bug begins to move - your hand ends up near the front (head) of the bug. What about when the bug is only half way out of the hole, or you can't aim for the tail - then what? Do you aim for the head, and hope to get a hold of the "knuckles" (the base of the bug's antenna)?!?

Again. Any input, knowledge / wisdom that any of you can impart or share would be very much appreciated. Living out-of-state, I've got to do some up-front homework to try to ensure that the money and effort to make the trip is as productive as possible. I not concerned about having Fun. As I always have fun whether I get bugs or not.


- Mark

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