Re: Yes

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Posted by Kendall Raine on May 24, 2002 at 15:40:13:

In Reply to: Re: Have you posted by Steve on May 24, 2002 at 13:46:59:

Yes. Please see my original responses to tecdiver when this thing came up. The arithmetic versus the Navy and NAUI tables is basically the same-RDP is a neo-Haldanian model. In the RDP some of the calculations in the Workman (Navy) model have been eliminated based upon the presumption of limited depth and time-recreational no-D diving. The M values are slightly different and the half-times are somewhat different. The repet schedules are different, but that's primarily a function of using a shorter controlling half-time, 60 minutes, versus 120 for Navy for repets.

There are a variety of other tweaks and squeaks in the RDP seperating it from Navy. The simple summary is the RDP NDL's are all shorter than Navy but for the 130, which is 12 on RDP v. 10 on Navy.

This is an "off-the-top" comparison based upon Hamilton's report. I didn't redo the math and have no intention to-even I'm not that anal.

The models which differ most from this structure are the bubble and thermo models.

DCIEM also is different inasmuch as tissue's are assumed to fill sequentially rather than serially. DCIEM have been Doppler tested extensively and generally produce low levels of bubbles. They are considered very conservative because the NDL are short and the required deco, particularly at the shallow stops, is forever.

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