Re: San Nicolas Island mystery sphere!

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Posted by Brad on May 28, 2002 at 19:54:15:

In Reply to: Re: San Nicolas Island posted by seahunt on May 27, 2002 at 21:30:37:

Hello Franko and seahunt~

I'm looking forward to reading about your trip seahunt (as always*). Franko, about a year ago i replaced my VCR camera with a sony digital 8 (DCR-TRV330). I preferred the old VCR format where you just put in the tape and go. The digital medium needs to be transferred one way or another before you can see it. When i still had my old camera, i used to keep a spare tape in the skiff and i would tape interesting events and just give the tape to the people. I did that once for a couple of guys who were paddling an outrigger canoe back to Newport from Avalon. Then another time for some kayak fishermen who towed their kayaks to San Clemente Island. With the new digital stuff, you can't do that anymore. The best video quality i ever had was from a full size RCA VCR video recorder. Digital is smaller, that's about all. I would have rather bought two old cameras than the new digital one but i couldn't find any....

Anyway, while swimming last week i stumbled across a (almost) perfectly spherical rock? It was in the same general area where i found another unique rock formation a few years back.

That formation was a splendid natural mechanical sculpture. It was in the shallow surge zone just below the spit. I was in about 4 ft of water looking through the window when i see this perfect 2ft wide bowl with a perfect shaped stone ballancing right in the center. The bowl actually had overhanging edges. As the swells would wrap around the island, the surge would swirl the stone in that bowl. Over time it actually caused that stone to wear into the rock below and form a perfectly round bowl with a perfectly mated stone in the center~

Here is a link to an interesting sperical stone that i saw last Friday while swimming at Nicolas. It is a little over 2ft in diameter.

Any idea how it got so round?

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