What I think a BC is good for

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Wayne on May 29, 2002 at 23:48:59:

In Reply to: The point was missed posted by Eins on May 29, 2002 at 16:18:35:

Here is my 2 cents on what I think BCs do for me.

1. It allows me to maintain neutral buoyancy with changes in tank weight. I need a bit of air to compensate that heavy tank at the beginning of the dive. I do not need it at the end of the dive.

2. It allows me to adjust for buoyancy changes from wetsuit compression at depth. The deeper I go, the more air I need to offset the loss of wetsuit buoyancy. Last week I was diving in a t-shirt and it was really nice to not have to adjust for this at all. Sure was pleasant.

3. It allows me to float with my head high at the surface for a variety of purposes. This can be for discussion with a buddy, waiting for a boat, resting, etc. It can also be useful if there is a problem.

The other things like a tank holder, a weight holder, a gizmo with pockets, etc are not unique to a BC.

I have always dove with a BC. Initially they were horse collars and did not have LP inflators. I think they are useful and do not add much in the way of drag or otherwise get in the way in the kind of diving I do. I have had one fail on me and it was a pain inthe neck. Fortuantely I was properly weighted (still heavy at depth becuase of wetsuit compression). I was on a beach dive and simply followed the bottom back to my start point. I could have swam up and if I had some sort of tramatic problem, I always could have gotten rid of some ballast from the belt. Heck, I could have hung on my buddy and we could have used her BC for both of us if we needed to hang for safety stops while carrying our scallops in gear bags. Having a BC as part of my kit gives me options and makes diving more enjoyable as well as safe.


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