Re: Iron Eagle sends big spam - boycott them

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Posted by John on June 05, 2002 at 08:04:01:

In Reply to: Re: Iron Eagle sends big spam - boycott them posted by nameless on June 04, 2002 at 22:12:18:

What's to respond to or defend? Their marketing plan revolves around spam, spam, spam...

Iron Eagle claims to have 27,000 diver e-mail addresses on their spam, er marketing, list. How does a newish dive organization come up with 27,000 California divers who want their spam, er marketing info? How does even a well established dive organization come up with that many?? They harvest them off websites, etc. The e-mail addresses they've gotten of mine are all addresses which have never, ever been used anywhere except as forwarding mailboxes off websites.

And their early spam included fake testimonials from well known local divers who'd never even heard of the Iron Eagle. Another splendid marketing plan.

To complain about their spam, contact their ISP, DSL.NET:

Andrew Weisz, Network Security Analyst, DSL.NET,, (866) 340-2582

David Struwas, Chairman/CEO, DSL.NET,

Demand that their service be cut off.

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