NAUI Instructor Cross-Over (Warning...This is a Spam Post), the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Jim Hoffmann on June 27, 2002 at 13:04:30:

Warning.. This is a Spam Post... Or could this be more of a Public service announcement(that's up to you to decide)?
Instructor Cross-Over (NAUI ICC)
I have talked my wife into teaching an instructor Cross-Over.
She has graciously consented to help cleanse the unclean masses of PADI instructors ( or any other denomination).
This course will be taught over four days (two weekends).
It will include: an estimated 27 hours of Academic and 5 (required) hours of water work.
One open water dive plus an open water rescue ( required).
Course Fee $350.00 + Books, Registration, Dues, and insurance (NAUI does have Instructor insurance)
A NAUI Instructor as Academic freedom and an organization that will back you up. NAUI is a democratic association and the instructor has a say in what’s going on.
This course will start on July 19 at 7 PM at Scuba Toys and Schools in Cypress, Ca. Call us or E-mail us.

Jim Hoffmann NAUI #5888 IT
Carole Hoffmann NAUI #6014 CD
Scuba Toys
6021 Orange Ave.
Cypress, Ca.
714 527-0430

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