Celebrity encounter~

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Posted by Brad on July 05, 2002 at 17:38:19:

This is what it is all about! Running for hours out to one of those desolate places and slipping into the water just to see who's around....

Most of the time it is just the usual cast of characters, but every once in a while you get lucky enough to swim with one of these incredible fish!


I was actually at the skiff ready to get back onboard when i looked around one more time and saw this 5ft/200lb fish about 15ft away coming straight at me. I immediately slipped down and moved slowly toward him. We played cat and mouse for about 20 minutes then i had to go back to the skiff for a new roll of film, when i got back in the water, he had moved off. It is a distinct privelege in life to be so engaged with a fish bigger than yourself*


(swims with BIG fishes~)

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