Dive Report for Seahunt from Pacific Northwest

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Posted by Mike on July 10, 2002 at 14:56:21:

Hello Seahunt, Just returned from Cape Flattery area, dove July 5-9, returned home today the tenth, vis average 30-40 ft, water temp 47 deg, made 3 dives per day. Lots of fish, Black Rockfish to many to count, the Blue Rockfish on one dive were so many I had to swat at them to get a spear off at one that I was after, he was a 6 pounder, took one Ling 25 pounds, made limits on 2 days of diving for both fish and Rock Scollops, all very nice size and lots of them. We saw these but only took pictures of with video, Wolf Eel, Tiger Rockfish, Ratfish, big Cabezon, Octopus, one was 6 ft long and tried to take my dive buddies camera away from him, video shows suckers on housing pretty cool. Still trying to bag our first Halibut.

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