Re: keeping sand out of your primary, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by TDI_2 on July 11, 2002 at 08:47:39:

In Reply to: Re: keeping sand out of your primary posted by eins on July 09, 2002 at 22:35:19:

Eins, its fairly rare that I will do a beach exit while using my second stage. I normally prefer to use my snorkel instead.

Although you are precisely right, that it is absolutely more safe to keep your reg in your mouth during a beach exit, in reality, that safety precaution is not always followed by everyone.

Yes, I know, I have heard of rogue waves. Youre right.

I normally use 3 plastic mouthpiece covers for my gear. A black one for the primary, a yellow one for the octo, and a blue one for the pony bottle. And during my exit swim, one of the standard procedures that I follow is to make sure all of them are secured, well before I get to the beach.

If the beach was really rough, I would then do an underwater beach exit, breathing off the primary reg. Or if I was with a buddy who was not comfortable doing a surface exit.

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