post script re scuba students

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by TDI_2 on July 16, 2002 at 10:44:24:

In Reply to: algebra vs calculus posted by TDI_2 on July 16, 2002 at 10:14:00:

I figured out how to handle the diplomacy issue with students in a basic scuba class:

"Now class, since we have determined already how much lead weight we each need, to be neutrally buoyant in the pool with all our gear on and with 500 psi in our tank(s), here is your assignment before the next class:

Go home, rinse and dry your wetsuits, and when dry, take it in your arms and get up on a bathroom scale and weigh yourself. Add this weight reading from the scale to the weight of your scuba gear when you have 500 psi left in your tanks. Then divide this total by 0.975.

This should give you your proper weighting at the ocean. By subtracting, you can figure out how much lead weight to add to your weight belts before we go to the ocean."

The only problem remaining is then the math. And our California schools. Hmm ...

"See me before the next class if you need help with the math!" :)

Naturally, on the first check-out dive at the Ocean with scuba, you would still need to confirm each of the students' buoyancy at your dive float, first thing, to make sure they can in fact submerge, and again near the end of the first dive, during the safety stop, to fine tune it and make sure they can in fact hold a 15 fsw safety stop at the end of their first dive.

Im not sure there is any way to handle the diplomacy issue with a girlfriend or wife. Bullet weights at your dive float may be the only safe way to handle that can of worms. :)

Bullet weights at your dive float is foolproof. And you can keep the change!

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