Arrrgh ya scurvy lubber...i thought i'd a left yer fer dead!

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Posted by Cap'n Van der Decken on July 16, 2002 at 14:12:04:

In Reply to: Flying Dutchman posted by seahunt on July 16, 2002 at 13:57:11:

So ya's pluggin me boat on da internet eh? How many more of yer mortal landlubbers ya want t'send to Davy Jones's locker? If'n ya keep it up, well get together n' schedule da mutha of all lobster huntin' trips fer ya. Arrr, me n' my buddies, tha' wind n' da sea, the ol davils, we'll get n' plannin right away fer you scalawags n' yer empty goody bags. Heck, well get ya yer own little skiff, so's while I spend eternity lookin' fer me lost soul, you can follow along lookin' fer yer lost bugs! Arrr that'll fix ya, heh heh heh.

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