Re: Iron Eagle/accident waiting to happen, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by bent shaft on July 17, 2002 at 06:36:21:

In Reply to: Re: Iron Eagle/accident waiting to happen posted by :) on July 16, 2002 at 20:48:36:

Walk the docks, the ship is gone dude, check the others, sitting paying rent, $114.00 for one day at S.B.I. The Eagle $100.00 a day to San Clem , S.b.I., Nick , get the picture. ( 114.00 is more than 100.00 ) Check the Truth , Vision, Conception they do mostly land hikes now, bye bye Wed. and Thurs. open boats. Good boat go bad and people will only over pay so long. Two people for a 1 day trip to S.B.I. will set you back $300.00 check the newspaper man round trip to Hawaii is only $300.00 You are probaly someone who rents an apt. and has a cell phone and a pager. A FOOL AND HIS MONEY WILL SOON PART. Money talks B.S. walks.

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