Re: accident, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by tecdiver...Enough said...nt on July 17, 2002 at 20:36:53:

In Reply to: Re: accident posted by scubagirl on July 17, 2002 at 16:40:43:

Let me start out by saying I'm sorry this happened and it is unfortunate. This is something that should stick with people that wish to train on rebreathers. It is just like technical diving, in as much you take on more risks. It should not stop some one from wanting to get involved with rebreathers. Just remember you need to be more involed with the computer, gases and equipment. The why it happened can be guessed at by some of us, I do not want to turn this into a forum on rebreathers. Hope this guy can get back to diving eventualy.

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