Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Eric Frasco on July 19, 2002 at 08:53:59:

In Reply to: Re: GLACD posted by John H. Moore on July 18, 2002 at 15:18:54:


GLACD is entering into talks with Dr. Mary Bergen of DFG to determine ways in which recreational divers can get involved in surveying and baselining the areas that will be set aside as MPAs. After the baselining process, we anticipate continued involvement by recreational divers in the monitoring of the MPAs.

Obviously, one of our objectives is to ensure diver access to protected areas, and to avoid the closure of those areas to the recreational diving community.

What is of utmost importance is proper management that will ensure that the MPAs acheive their stated goals, ie.: preserve biodiversity, increase the abundance of marine species, and provide insurance against natural or unnatural catastrophic events that could damage marine resources. Since divers are essentially the only group that is going out and observing what is going on in the underwater environment, they are the best choice to help ensure that those goals are met.

Details will be posted as they develop. We plan on having a framework in place by the October Conference of California Councils.


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