Re: BBS user poll, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on July 24, 2002 at 11:00:32:

In Reply to: BBS user poll posted by Chris on July 23, 2002 at 18:25:21:

First off, I don't think this BBS will ever be like the others in any case
and I'll tell you why......
I think this board is best if it serves a particular community. Members of
this community travel far beyond California. I've posted warm water and I
always look forward to Kendal's posts about the Sea of Cortez and Ken's
posts about who knows where?.
... Uh oh. Looks like I might be getting poetic......
Let me tell you about this BBS community...
I say to you, this BBS should follow rules such as to serve the
Diving Community best. I think that includes descriptions by the Community
members of their travels and perhaps even some other off dive topics. I
further say we are on the internet. Shed your geographical chains! California
is more than a place, especially for divers. It is also an attitude. It is
about diving being a challenge and not just a hobby. It's about dealing with
the temp, vis, waves and everything else that makes diving the North American
Pacific Coast different from most other diving and far more challenging. OOPs.
Did I say North America? Well, we have Mike from Washington and others
discussing diving in both Oregon and Washington. Well, son of a gun. They
may be in different states, but their diving is extremely similar to the
diving in California. Heck there is more difference between Southern CA
diving and North Coast diving than between North Coast and Washington
Coast diving.
DiverLink is really a board that serves the East Coast diving Community. This
BBS has always served Pacific Coast divers far beyond California. I think that
is appropriate and the natural community of this BBS. A community is defined
by far more than a political state. It is defined by mutual interest. The type
of diving that California divers like extends the entire Pacific Coast. The
only other natural diving community of any size on the Pacific Coast would be
So Cal. I think it far better for this board to focus beyond that.
There is common sense and there is law. You need law when common sense
will not serve, as well as law to act as a guide for common sense. No
law is perfect and so must be tempered by common sense. What does all
that mean? Who cares? It sounded cool. ..(reading Culteral Wars in the Global
Village. Maybe it leaked out some.)
In any case, I think that the people who want to consider themselves members
of this BBS community should be able to post, in good taste, what their
experiences are on the Pacific Coast and where they travel in a way meant
to share with the BBS community.
I have seen few enough problems with this so far, that I see no reason
to change it. We did get a few trip reports from who knows who that were
obviously informercials, but those seem few enough as to not be problems
that have to be dealt with as anything more than spam, yet.
Due to time constraints, I pretty much limit my viewing to this BBS, but
that does not mean I only want to hear about California diving.
I think I had better write a dive report and get this stuff out of my system...
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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