Re: Catalina Dive Site Moorings, a Dismal Failure

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Posted by Eagle Ray on July 25, 2002 at 11:36:58:

In Reply to: Catalina Dive Site Moorings, a Dismal Failure posted by Chris on July 25, 2002 at 02:07:51:

Do you know who installed the test mooring at Hen Rock? Is there a group that is working on this issue?

I think it would be a benefit to the environment to have these moorings, as dropping heavy anchors on to the reef everyday can't be good over the long-term. However, I agree with you that problems will result when ignorant boaters like the one in the pic take advantage of them. If they are used properly it seems like it would be a great system.

A small dive flag on top of them with a time limit warning printed on the side of the bouy may work?

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