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Posted by Melvin on August 01, 2002 at 10:15:20:

In Reply to: I'm with Ken... posted by Just Say No on July 31, 2002 at 07:10:46:

Slander is not slander if it is the truth. Truth, I am told, is an absolute defense against a charge of slander. So if this "customer" was telling the truth, and then why would he fear a threat by Iron Eagle of a slander suit? You say he had a first hand experience, but gave a false praise report out of fear of a slander suit for telling the truth - I am afraid that just dosen't sound right to me. Most adults are well aware that a true statement of fact is not slander.

I am not sure what the truth about the Iron Eagle is. I do know I found his response on the other board to be out of line and filled with the potential for a lawsuit by the woman, if not true.

I am inpressed by two things, facts, and a well thought out articulate statement. His response was neither. Those who have to leave facts behind and resourt to personal attacks and or foul launage simply do not impress me.

Dive boat operations is a customer business, and that means dealing with the public, their praise and their complaints. This is not the proper way to respond to a complaint. IE could have responded with their side of the issue, and left off the personal attacks and inuendo about the sex life of his customers, that would sway public opinion. His answer also sways public opinion, but not in his favor.

Just my opinion.

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