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Posted by TDI_2 on August 02, 2002 at 09:24:42:

In Reply to: Re: Hey jeff posted by Tribes on August 01, 2002 at 09:33:15:

Scorchingly direct.

Thanks for the feedback on the slates, Tribes. Our I/Ts and C/D said the same thing as you did, that instructors should always use slates. However I never saw them using slates.

New instructors should write everything down on a slate. I agree.

Thanks for the feedback about smoking too. In our ITC, smoking became a huge topic because one of the instructor candidates smokes. A lot.

The question that was raised by the C/D in our ITC was whether it was an appropriate example to the world for a NAUI active status instuctor to be a smoker.

I have always believed that smoking was a relative contra-indication for NDL recreational diving and an absolute contra-indication for tech scuba. But then again, I know tech insructors, more than one, who are light smokers.

I dont smoke. But I am still struggling with the proper categorization for smoking with respect to diving: relative or absolute contra-indication?

I just dont know. Very tough question.

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