Gee Shermster, that was horrible...

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Posted by Roger Ebert on August 11, 2002 at 22:59:09:

In Reply to: Not California related (well kind of I teach in Cali) - Cozumel Trip rep posted by shermster on August 11, 2002 at 10:09:02:

...but you kind of pulled it out at the end, almost.

People get into diving to add some ADVENTURE to their lives. If you're going to write a dive report maybe you could PUT SOME ADVENTURE IN IT!

For the most part your trip seemed to be pretty "uneventful." In fact, it doesn't seem like you had a very good time at all. If it hadn't been for the shipwreck finale (which you only visited because you were too lazy to carry your gear to the taxi) this report would have been a complete loss, although, I can sense that you were rather unimpressed with this as well. Admit it, "uneventful" crossed your mind as you wrote that part too.

Was everything really that uneventful? Was there no amusing incident that happened at the airport, or while waiting for the ferry?

And what's with these names? Carrie, Kara, Korri, Keith, & ...How confusing is that?! For the sake of your readers you should can the names to something more easily digested. Betty, Veronic, and Jughead are nice substitutes, but you can pick names that more closely match the personality of the person.

And the pictures...well hell, you can't see any detail at all. Can't see the faces. What were you using, Sherm? A Fujifilm disposable or something.

Oh, and the whole part about the wedding, kinda buried the lead there didn't you pal? I bet that will really chap Carrie's @$$ when she see the coverage the wedding got in your write-up.

Hey, I'm not saying you didn't make an effort, but in this reviewers opinion...boring.

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