Hey Captain Moron

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Shady McPott on August 15, 2002 at 17:01:29:

In Reply to: Sour Grapes you think? posted by James on August 15, 2002 at 13:53:27:

Why dont you ask some of the more prolific bug hunters to give up the numbers of their glory holes? Or spearfisherman, line fisherman, even commercial guys. Do you honestly think that the charter dive boat captains are taking their cattle boats to all the best spots?
There is a lot more to wreck location than just GPS numbers. I have personally seen the binder of all great goodness and lineups.
If you can honestly tell me that you have never taken a single object out of the ocean, be it bug or game or artifact, then you can honestly voice your opinion about refraining. But if you cant, your nothing more than a crybaby hypocrit. Every bug grabbed and bagged is one less I wont get to see when I dive a site. If you even had a modicum of experience diving wrecks youd know that most of the treasures are found by rooting around in collapsed areas, under plates, or in the sand. Stuff youd never see in a million years unless you were looking specifically for it. A real tragedy when someone takes the trouble to find it, lift it, clean it, polish it, and display it. Oh the humanity!


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