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Posted by Melvin on August 23, 2002 at 10:43:24:

Dive Report 22 Aug 02
Location: Haggerty’s, Palos Verde Pennisula
Dive Time: 6:53 pm to 7:40 pm. 47:40 minutes
Tide: Low @3:36 pm High: 9:40 pm
Visibility: 2-8 feet. Near the point at 20+ feet improved to 8-10 feet.
Water Temp: 68 degrees (did hit a thermo cline or two)
Surge – yep, there was surge, about 2-3 feet worth.
Waves: 1.5 to 2 foot.
Air Start: 2960 PSI End:1420 PSI

Water entry, at the end of the trail west of the swimming pool where you have to walk on the rocks. We got down and crawled over the rocks as they are quite slipperly.

Stat of dive, we descended even with the dirt trail down to Haggerty’s that is over the drain exit, if you are a mountain goat and go that way. Not my cup of tea and I am willing to bet the tail accounted for the ankle injury the paramedics were evacuating from there. Initial visibility was 2-4 feet, dark and sandy water. Swam out with some deliberation to the west and north west to get some deeper water and hopefully better visibility. Didn’t help much. Saw the usual suspects, schools of Senorita fish, Sargo, White surfperch, Garibaldi, Barred Sand Bass, Opaleye, Calico Bass. Many were just juveniles about 2-3 inches or so. Did see part of a shovelnose guitarfish, at least I hope that is what is was. I just caught a glimpse twice of the last 2 feet or so of the tail. Guitarfish, being part of the shark family have a shark like tail. But the visibility was so bad, all you got was it leaving town. We went out to what I estimate to be the point, and then turned around and swam back to Malaga Cove. The current pushed us into the shore line and so we exited at the bottom of the road over the rocks instead of our intended RAT sand exit.

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