Hey Terry !

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by dawhale on September 02, 2002 at 20:17:21:

I just came off a three-day trip on the Great Escape. We spent all three days at Clemente. Weather was real nice. Most but not all dive sites had green water. I managed to find two Halibut one 16# and the other 18#. I had the opportunity to meet your son on this trip Terry. There is no doubt he is yours. Terry you might want to consider raising your sons allowance. He needs pants that fit or at least a belt to hold them up. His Joe Boxers showed most of the trip. I really noticed them when he worked the swim step and his pants got wet. Just kidding Terry. We missed you this year. dawhale

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