Re: You need to relax and read the whole post

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Posted by Kendall Raine on September 07, 2002 at 07:07:38:

In Reply to: Your problem is self created posted by Chris on September 06, 2002 at 17:18:16:

You'll see I made that point, Chris. By shifting weight from nonditachable to ditchable, the advantage of the AL goes away. Things change when the gas load goes up, but for the average recreational diver, this works. The reason I compared the AL ans AA with the same equipment setup, i.e. SS plate, was to illustrate the ditchable point.

I'm not "insisting" on any equipment confirguration. You inferred this based on your own predjudices. Reread the whole post and you'll see that.

As for the backpack, I already discussed the issues with that in a previous thread. The advantages are illusary in most situations.

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