An afterthought about Delgada

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Posted by Eric S on September 19, 2002 at 09:54:51:

I am planning several more expeditions to that canyon. I don't feel we even scratched the surface of that place.
Maybe in the winter, when the water clears up and there's a lull between the storms. Then again maybe the water never clears up there. Nobody I've talked to seems to know.
Next time I'm taking my Nikonos and hopefully someone with video experience can be there too. Dimitrios?
Anybody with a boat and good nerves let's talk. We cannot begin to plan the next trip to soon. How 'bout some of you tech guys out there. This is the place to use it.
As far as the annual North Coast Party, it will remain at Vandamme for now. That area is great for leisure and has great services. I think Shelter Cove is a little too remote and primitive.
Actually, a person could reach the canyon from Ft. Bragg, but it's 58 miles north.

I am also changing my ID on this board to North Coast Diver.
I'm tired of using Eric S and I want a handle. So look for that.

If anybody want's to see where we dove go to:

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