re: how about Trimix?, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Karl S. on September 26, 2002 at 10:42:49:

In Reply to: Hey, it is some dive! posted by seahunt on September 25, 2002 at 21:39:26:

Sorry, I wont be certified to teach trimix for at least another 5 years, if then. Im taking it slow!

I have used TDI to obtain preliminary experience to qualify for NAUI's more rigorous technical standards. It will take me some more time before I am experienced enough and qualified to go to the NAUI tech training center on the Gulf Coast. At least another year or two.

I am sure Brett Gilliam wont mind. After all he is/was a NAUI diver as well. Most people that have been around for awhile are, or were.

Thanks seahunt [small-s] for the tips on Santa Barbara lobster hunting, Dude!

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