Wind and Visibility Conditions at Leo Carillo ???, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by tailchaser on September 26, 2002 at 15:45:10:

Does anyone know what the wind/wave/visibility is like now at Leo (Thursday afternoon). I am planning on doing some free diving this evening.
Last Sunday, we decided to do a dive there, but after arriving at Leo, decided to go to the Jack in the Box in Malibu, so we kept on driving. At that time, the water looked somewhat calm... Got the Jack in the Box, to go, and returned to Leo.... All of a sudden, WHITE CAPS EVERYWHERE ! Also, the wind was blowing so hard that the sand particles hitting my leg actually hurt! Needless to say, we decided not to dive.

However, I would really like to do at least a free dive today, if conditions allow....

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